Odesk test——- Win XP

Posted: May 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

oDesk Certified Windows XP Expert

ODESK Exam—-English

Posted: May 18, 2011 in Uncategorized

oDesk Certified English (Sentence Structure) Expert

Feel Alone

Posted: April 22, 2011 in Uncategorized

Why do I feel so alone in this world. Why cant good things ever happen to me without bad things right behind it?
It’s getting so bad that every time something good does happen I cant even get excited or enjoy it because I am thinking what bad thing is going to happen

Windows and Linux have been enemies since early 90’s, as Linus Torvalds created the 1st Linux Operating system “Minix” (not Minix.org).
Ubuntu is the most famous Linux OS right now and it has some great features, which cannot be ignored. Ubuntu was founded in 2004.
On the other hand, Windows has had a steady business throughout 3 decades.

From this article, my target is to compare Windows 7 & Ubuntu 10.10, without being bias.

1st things first !! The most important element : “PRICE” ;
As Sri Lankans, all of us fight all the time to earn lots money and, save a bit….
When we compare Ubuntu & Windows 7, Windows 7 Ultimate is $219.99.
On the other hand, Ubuntu OS is free + free shipping + free utilities.
Ubuntu has temporary stopped shipping CDs. You may have to download it for FREE..

User friendliness is something all the humans like to have. As everyone knows, Windows 7 is really easy to use; you don’t need to know a single command line code. Ubuntu is bit deferent. Although you can use Ubuntu in GUI, it’s not the best way to use Linux. If you want to use Ubuntu effectively, you may have to use the Ubuntu Terminal, which requires some coding.

Reliability is one of the most important concepts in computing.
Although Microsoft Windows has made great improvements in reliability over the last few versions of Windows, it is still in an improving stage.
Reliability in Ubuntu is really amazing. PCs can be used without reinstalling the OS for years. Even servers run in Ubuntu, without restarting for years.

As IT geeks, you all know, no one can use a computer, without additional software.
Even though Ubuntu has a lot of users, Windows has a much bigger community, and has a lot of agreements with other companies, who create millions of applications for MS Windows, such as Adobe.
Ubuntu has been able to increase their applications in last few years (through Asians), but still a long way behind Windows.
Although Windows 7 has a lot of software, some of them are really expensive. But some are free.
E.g. :  AutoCAD 2011 is $4425.
Ubuntu software
are usually free, some software are not, but they are cheap.

No one can speak about software, without getting into hardware. They are linked and cannot be separated.
Microsoft has a large amount of users, and they have almost 90% of hardware driver support in addition, they have agreements with companies such as Intel.
Ubuntu has increased their hardware compatibility rapidly in last 5 years, but some small companies may not support Ubuntu, but it’s not a big deal, because Large companies like Intel are supporting Ubuntu. You can use Intel Atom computer with Ubuntu, without installing any driver.
Generally speaking, Microsoft has better hardware compatibility than Ubuntu.

There is no point of spending your valuable time, if it’s not secured.
Although Microsoft has made great improvements over the years with security on their operating system, their operating system continues to be the most vulnerable to viruses and other attacks.
Ubuntu gets a big advantage here. Linux is and has always been a very secure operating system. Although it still can be attacked when compared to Windows, it’s much more secured.

Everyone has their own way of working. It depends on the personality.
Windows is not open source. They do not allow user to modify the Operating System.
Ubuntu is 100% open source. It lets anyone to customize it.

No one knows everything. Everyone needs some help at some point.
Windows 7 gives a 24 x 7 customer care service, a lot of forums and a help section on OS.
There are lots of books on Windows OS as well.
Although it may be more difficult to find users familiar with all Linux variants, there are large volumes of online documentation, books, and support available for Linux.

This is a comparison on Windows and Ubuntu.
It’s up to you, to decide what fits you.

Additional Information
Ubuntu Timeline

Windows Timeline

Author : Dhanushka  Jayaweera

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Posted: April 22, 2011 in Uncategorized

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